expansion joints
In the industrial pipe system field, different configurations of expansion joints have been developed as to cover most present situations that require attention and solution.
Metallic expansion joints are built as a part of a system of bellows. Their design and material depends upon the service submitted as well as the operation conditions and the fluid it will contain. Additionally to the characteristics of the design and the property of the material, the expansion joint can include a variety of accessories, as to be able to adapt to a specific situation.
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simple expansion joint

The extremes of the bellow can be welded or flanged. This is ideal to absorb axial movements and vibrations, as well as small lateral and angular movements, by itself or combined, as long as there are at one level to avoid torsion.
duplex expansion joint

Made of two bellows joint by a central tube spool anchored at the center. This joint is designed to absorb axial and angular movement using the anchoring to divide de pipe system into two independent parts, so each bellow acts like a simple joint for each part of the system. Achieving the combination of the different movements present in the pipe system.
universal expansion joint

Formed by to simple bellows linked by a central spool and control bars that limit movements and support the possible pressure that lacking anchors in the pipe system could cause. It has the capacity to absorb big lateral movement, which can be increased by extending the central spool.
Expansion joint with hinge

This joint counts with just one bellow and has accessories that force it to only work in angular way and on one level at the same time that it supports internal pressure. It can be used to absorb big expansion when placed correctly in the pipe system.
Cardan expansion joint

This type of expansion joint has only one bellow and counts with movement limiting accessories, which only permits angular movements in two dimensional levels. It is used in combination with two or more similar joints and it does not produces expansion strength caused by internal pressure.
Pressure balanced expansion joint

This type of expansion joint consists in one or two bellows in the flux section and one balance bellow in the posterior part of the elbow. As its name indicates its function is to balance or reduce the reaction strength caused by internal pressure.
Type X high pressure joint

The construction of this type of joints forces the bellow to work under external pressure, which allows major length of the corrugated parted and therefore has major absorption of axial movement on one side and supports major pressure than the joints with bellow submitted to internal pressure. Major absorption of compression axial movement and resistance to high pressure.
expansion joints
Metallic rectangular expansion joints have a variety of uses in energy generation, refinement, petrochemical, chemical and steel industry.Metallic rectangular expansion joints can absorb axial, lateral and angular movements. At the same time the joints can be built with different types of corners that result in different grades of economy and efficiency.

For more information or questions please contact our technical support team. If you should not know any data or characteristic required we will gladly help you.